Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba (DRUG UNIT)

Jesus Christ Revealed To John In The Island Of Patmos

Auto Draft

Scriptural Text

Revelation 1 : 9-20


John referred to in the book of Revelation 1 is one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. He wrote the books of Revelation, Gospel of John, John 1, 2 and 3.

Anytime children of God disobey God, He will make their enemies overcome them.

When you are inside the pit, do not lose hope because it might be a springing board into the Palace.

John was put into hot oil to be killed but instead of dying, he was alive, singing praises to God and his persecutors decided to abandon him in the island called Patmos.

When you are sold out to Jesus Christ, you want Him to be your all in all. The world will oppose you but if you make Jesus the Lord of your life, He will protect you.

Pastor prayed for everyone that is experiencing a blockage in their walk with God and there was an open heaven that brought deliverance to everyone.



  1. Bro Uwuze  received a conviction and confirmation that he will be discharged from the hospital soon as Pastor prayed.
  2. Bro. Odulami Oladipo saw God’s hand on everyone during the prayer by Pastor.
  3. Bro. Gbenga received an open heart and peace during the prayer.
  4. Bro. Solomon felt relief as Pastor was praying.
  5. Mrs Fakunle felt light as the prayer was going on.
  6. Bro. Kunle experienced the power of the Holy Ghost healing from his head to his heart.
  7. Bro. Kenneth experienced the light of God over him.



20 Patients were present in today’s fellowship.


We give glory to God for today’s success. We experienced open heavens that brought deliverance, healing and restoration into the lives of everyone present including those in the wards. Glory be to God!


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