Ephesians 6:12
Romans 7
Isaiah 49: 24-26
The keynote of today’s message was the strongman that worries human beings.
This strongman was referred to as the ruler of the darkness of this world according to Eph 6:12. He was also referred to as the terrible in Isaiah 49: 24-26. This Evil Spirit is also known as Spiritual Husband and Wife.
80% of the patients present today were suffering from the influence of this Spiritual Spouses/children and also from the Spirit of Masturbation.
The main deliverance today was on these Evil Spirits and they were all delivered as Pastor pray this prayer of deliverance with them, Glory to God.
When a Christian dies, where does he go? Asked by Bro Kunle.
Answer from Pastor:
When a Christian dies, he is buried and at the trumpet call of God, will resurrect and those who are still alive on earth, will be caught up together in the sky and will all escape the second death.
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